Jan 26 SOS LOG symposium Follow-up

Feb 4, 2016


Tuesday January 26th the University of Milan – Bicocca hosted a symposium organized by SOS LOGistica and Assologistica – Cultura & Formazione to discuss about sustainable logistics and practical initiatives that enable companies to transfer innovation and sustainability into everyday practices.

The event has been supported by IVECO (main sponsor), Gruppo Maganetti, Interporto Bologna and Logistica Uno. Among the media partners Euromerci, La Gazzetta Marittima, Logistica Management, Non Solo Ambiente and Packaging Observer. Moderator of the event was Ing. Tito Zavanella, CEO GEA.

The day started with greetings from Luigi Terzi (President of Assologistica Cultura & Formazione) and Daniele Testi (President of SOS LOGistica) and featured keynotes and interventions by logistics entrepreneurs, managers and experts, all interested in sharing their own experience and ongoing projects.

Following, a list of all the speakers and the titles of their presentations:


  • Tito Zavanella, CEO GEA – Sustainable Logistics: a large playfield with multiple dimensions – PDF
  • Luca Vecchio, Associate Professor of Work Psychology, Università Bicocca – Know to change: a survey about orientations, obstacles and incentives to the promotion of sustainability projects – PDF
  • Ugo Lemorini, General Manager Italy, FM Logistic – multi-producer VMI: the pooling solution of FM Logistic – PDF
  • Roberto Mastrofini, Logistics Director, MAGDI – City Login from project to reality: the green policy – PDF
  • Elisa Dardanello, CSR Unit, Intesa San Paolo – How environmental sustainability has been used by Intesa San Paolo to create value: monitoring, certifications, communication and green business – PDF
  • Marco Consani, CEO, TERTIUM Technology – Start-up initiative: focus on the “zero emissions” logistic cold chain – PDF
  • Fabio Pellegrinelli, Product & Marketing Manager M&H, Iveco mercato Italia e Mario Ambrogi, CEO Logicompani3 – LNG vehicles, main characteristics and evolution of scenery in Italy: the LC3 case study – PDF IVECO – PDF LC3
  • Giorgio Compostella, Key Customer Logistic Senior Manager, Coca-Cola HBC Italy – Packaging and sustainability: the experience of Coca-Cola HBC – PDF
  • Riccardo Montanucci, Customer Supply Chain Director, Carlsberg Italia – Draughtmaster™: quality, innovation and sustainability in a glass of beer – PDF


The feedback to the event has been extremely positive, with participants happy to contribute to a shared path of growth, exchanging ideas and information about concrete projects, in order to learn by doing.

Keep following SOS LOG on the website http://www.sos-logistica.org/ and the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) to join the discussion and know more about the next events!







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