Symposium: “LNG and the maritime environmental challenges: from policy issues to real life sustainable projects” @ SEAFUTURE 2016

Mag 24, 2016


SOS LOGistica, together with La Spezia Port Authority, will participate to the symposium “LNG and the maritime environmental challenges: from policy issues to real life sustainable projects”, organized within the framework of the fifth edition of SEAFUTURE, the international event organized inside the La Spezia Navy Base, from Tuesday May 24th to Friday May 27th.

SEAFUTURE format fosters both business development and technical-scientific debate among the main economic players involved in the sea economy, the Navy, small and medium sized enterprises, with the goal of strengthening connections and interactions between the economic subjects whose core business is bound to the sea environment: shipyards, ports, foreign navies, companies working with the technologies applied to the sea, the marine environment and the fishing activity.

The symposium “LNG and the maritime environmental challenges”, organized by La Spezia Port Authority and SOS LOGistica, with the support of the european portal on the Motorways of the Sea, will deal with topics related to the diffusion of LNG (Liquified Natural Gas), the opportunities and challenges linked to the conservation of the environment, from policy development to specific projects implementation.

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