FEPORT REPORT: Sustainable Terminals – How Private Port Operators and Terminals invest in Sustainability

Giu 14, 2016


FEPORT, the association which represents the interests of a large variety of terminal operators and stevedoring companies, performing operations and carrying out activities over 400 terminals in the seaports of the European Union, recently released a new publication regarding the environmental friendly actions they have been implemented all over European ports.

The publication, entitled “Sustainable Terminals – How Private Port Operators and Terminals invest in Sustainability” is a testimonial-brochure about engagement, investment and action.

Daniele Ciulli, member of SOS LOG Board of Directors, who has been directly involved in this project, in his role of Chairman of FEPORT Environment, Safety and Security Committee, comments: “FEPORT members are working together to convert environmental challenges into innovative solutions. Major global container terminal operators, have for instance displayed a huge commitment to develop a commonly agreed methodology for calculating their carbon emissions. I am glad to state that this methodology is commonly used by the major terminal operators throughout the world, and we are active in looking to expand its use.”


We invite you to download and read the FULL REPORT HERE.


For more information, please contact:
Ms. Lamia Kerdjoudj-Belkaid, Secretary General
M. Conor Feighan, Policy Advisor
Tel: +32 2 736 41 61
E: Lamia.Kerdjoudj-Belkaid@feport.eu
E: Conor.Feighan@feport.eu


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