SOS LOG at the 12th edition of the "Logistic of the Year" Award

Nov 9, 2016


Friday November 25th SOS LOGistica took part in the 12th edition of the “Logistic of the Year” Award, organized in Palazzo Turati, Via Meravigli 9/B, in Milan.

The Award ceremony took place at 12.30 PM, after an intense morning, dedicated to the conference “Urban Logistics, conflict or collaboration for operators?”.

SOS LOG President Daniele Testi gave an introductory speech at 9.30 AM, together with Carlo Mearelli (President of Assologistica) and Massimo Marciani (President of FIT Consulting and Member of Assologistica’s technical committee “City Logistics”).

Here a short interview to SOS LOG President by Messaggero Marittimo:




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