Transportation: INBLUE project, the truck of the future is eco-sustainable

Nov 30, 2016


The umbrian company LC3 launches the first fleet of environmental friendly liquid natural gas freight transport. Soon the first bio methane vehicles.

Milan, November 22nd 2016. The future of freight transport is environmentally aware. A fleet of 156 vehicles, of which 26% using liquid natural gas (LNG) that will increase to 68% (over two-thirds of the total) by 2018. The imminent introduction of 30 latest generation IVECO vehicles. A 10% decrease of CO2 emissions, in just 2016 alone, equivalent to almost 1 million kg of carbon dioxide, which will rise up to 10 million over two years with the introduction of new liquid bio methane vehicles, and concurrently a decrease in the exhalation of particulate matter (PM) from 31 million mg to about 103 million in two years.

This is just some data from the INBLUE program, implemented by LC3 Trasporti, the first sustainable road freight transport company in Italy, thanks to their adoption of liquid natural gas vehicles and a series of positive practices.

On Friday, November 18th, the project was presented, in Gubbio, at the conference entitled “The use of Natural Gas and Bio Methane for Road Freight Transport”, attended by Riccardo Nencini, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, and Giuseppe Chianella, Council member of Infrastructure, Transport and Urban Mobility for the region of Umbria.

LC3 (acronym for Logicompany3) is based in Gubbio, Umbria, and was officially founded in 2009 by the current general manager Mario Ambrogi, operating in the road transport sector (including temperature controlled vehicles) and container transport.


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