Un Mare d'Amare – Milan is committed to the NO PLASTIC challenge

Gen 27, 2020

February 20th 2020, evening concert with Beppe Vessicchio and presentation to the city of Milan of the NO PLASTIC CHALLENGE

“Un Mare d’Amare” is an initiative to raise awareness of the problems of the sea, the marine litter and the incidence of unsustainable logistics. The information and dissemination activity is carried out through an original form of communication, halfway between the show and entertainment, on the one hand, and the conference and discussion on environmental issues, on the other.

Ambiente Mare Italia – AMI, in collaboration with SOS-LOGistica – Association for Sustainable Logistics, taking advantage of the sensitivity and active involvement of nationally renowned artists such as Beppe Vessicchio and his orchestra, Simona Gandola and Adrea Rizzoli, aims to inform citizens of Milan during a show made of music, art, expert testimonies, and multimedia contents.

Oceanographers, Marine Biologists, representatives of companies and associations, together with the Coast Guard and other Authorities, will intervene to share the consequences of plastic pollution and the change of paradigm that will have to be addressed by the production and transport processes regarding packaging and plastic disposal and recovery processes.

An evening to bring out what is often not seen behind our daily lives.

It is time to give voice to those who do not have it today: the future generations, who will pay for the choices made to date.

An event to inspire and stimulate the construction of new development and consumption models that allow meeting the needs of the present without compromising those of future generations.

«Un mare d’Amare» will take place with the patronage of the Cariplo Foundation and the Europeaan Commission and the support of Confetra – Italian General Confederation of Trasport and Logistics.

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